Practice Information in different languages
- Sorrento Medical Centre (English)
- Centro Medico Sorrento (Italian)
- 索伦托医疗中心 (Chinese)
- Medizinisches Zentrum Sorrento (German)
- Centre Médical De Sorrente (French)
New Patient Forms for the General Practitioners

Consultations are by appointment. A Standard Consultation lasts about 10 minutes. Please tell us if you may require longer or have a special purpose i.e. injection, minor operation. Maximum notice of cancellation helps us to help someone else.
If you feel that your problem may be urgent please inform the receptionists. They have been trained to recognise emergencies and will respond accordingly.
Walk Ins will be allocated to first available appointment, however there will usually be a wait.
If you require communication assistance, please let the reception staff know on booking your appointment.
We try to keep interruptions of your consultation to a minimum. A message will be taken if the doctor is with a patient, and your call returned at the earliest opportunity. If the matter is urgent please tell the receptionist and you can be put through to our practice nurse who can triage and arrange for urgent help.
Communication via electronic means.
Sorrento Medical does communicate via email, secure messaging and text message. Patient consent is requested when registering as a patient with us. At all times we will adhere to the Australian Privacy Principles, the Privacy Act 1988 any state specific laws. Some forms of electronic communication can have risks to privacy and confidentially so we will inform them of this and gain consent before proceeding with this form of communication.
Sorrento Medical does have an information email address however this is not for any medical requests, these must be directed to reception and an appointment made with the patients regular GP. Medical Emergencies must always be directed to reception or Triple zero (000) never via email.
Home Visits
These are available if appropriate however please come to the surgery whenever possible as there are facilities here that are not available at home. When booking the home visit please give the receptionist details of your problem. If the situation is life threatening please call an Ambulance on 000.
Unfortunately we are unable to make house calls beyond Dundas Street, Rye due to the distance involved. Similarly we are unable to provide a home visiting service for patients who are not regular patients of this practice. Our fee schedule for home visits is available at the surgery.
Sorrento Medical is a private billing practice and our fee schedule is displayed in the surgery, in our newsletter and on our web site. Payment must be made at time of consultation. Medicare Easyclaim is available.
The length of your consultation and/or type of procedure you undertake will affect your fees.
Prescription Requests
Best practice and in the interests of your health all scripts and referrals we ask you to make a regular face to face appointment with your Doctor. In the case of emergency, a request for a maximum of 1 or 2 scripts maybe requested. This will be a single script with no repeats therefore an appointment for further scripts will be needed. If you have not seen your regular doctor in the last 3 months this request will be declined, and appointment offered to you. (Fees apply)
Test Results
In most cases, it is best to make a follow up appointment with your doctor several days after having a pathology/radiology test. This is so that you fully understand the implications of the result. However, following discussion with your doctor the other way of obtaining a result is to call and speak to our Nurse between 1-1.30pm Monday to Friday. You must make sure you receive a result, never assume that if you have not heard, the results are normal.
Recalls and Reminders
Sorrento Medical has an active recall register for our patients to recall them for a variety of preventative health measures. We also participate in National and State Reminder Systems and Registers. If you have any questions or object to being placed on a recall or reminder register please speak to Reception/ Nursing staff and your Doctor.
Medical examinations for employment, superannuation, insurance, and sporting events etc. is not covered by Medicare and therefore you can not claim a rebate. Payment must be made at the time of consultation. Please warn the receptionist when booking a medical so they can allocate enough time.
After Hours
Call 03 5984 4322 all hours. A recorded message will give you the mobile phone number of the doctor on call.
Health Records
Confidentiality is assured and your medical records are pass-word protected and only accessible to suitably qualified staff. Sorrento Medical conforms to and is fully compliant with the Victorian Health Records Act 2001.
Your feedback is valuable to us and we encourage you to write or speak to any of us directly with any concerns or suggestions. Email
If you wish to discuss a matter with an external organisation the Victorian Health Complaints Commissioner can be contacted on 1300 582 133.
Referral to other providers
Our practice regularly engages with local health services, including specialists, allied health, and hospitals. If required, your GP will provide information (a referral letter) to plan your care. You will need to contact these providers to find out associated costs for their services