About Associate Professor Daniel O’Brien
Assoc Professor Daniel O’Brien is an Infectious Diseases Specialist. Currently he is the Deputy Director of the Department of Infectious Diseases at The Geelong Hospital, Geelong, Australia and is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Victorian Infectious Diseases Service and Department of Medicine (University of Melbourne) at The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne, Australia. He also holds the position of Deputy Chief Health Officer in the Department of Health, Victoria working in the COVID-19 response, and is the Deputy Director of the Barwon South-West Public Health Unit.
One of his main interests is the treatment and prevention of Buruli ulcer and he is currently a member of the World Health Organisation technical working group for the drug treatment of Buruli ulcer. He provides clinical consultations on Buruli Ulcer at the Sorrento Medical Centre and Geelong Private Consulting Suites.
Referrals to Sorrento Medical Centre
166 Ocean Beach Rd Sorrento
Ph 5984 4322 Fax 5984 0363
or Geelong Private Consulting suites,
49 Bellerine Street, Geelong.
Ph 5221 9647, Fax 5221 9649.